TGPSC Group 3 Exam Pattern and Syllabus (Updated):

Telangana state public service commission (TGPSC) conducts TGPSC group 3 examination Telangana state. TGPSC group 3 examination has 3 papers General studies and general abilities History polity and Society Economy and development. The written exam will be conducted in English, Telugu and Urdu

TGPSC Group 3 Exam Pattern :

1502 ½150
i. Socio-Cultural History of
ii. Overview of the Indian
Constitution and Politics
iii. Social Structure, Issues and Public
150(3×50)2 ½150
i. Indian Economy: Issues and challenges
ii. Economy and Development of
iii. Issues of Development and Change
150(3×50)2 ½150

TGPSC Group 3 Syllabus :


  1. Current Affairs – Regional, National & International.
  2. International Relations and Events.
  3. General Science; India’s Achievements in Science and Technology
  4. Environmental Issues; Disaster Management – Prevention and Mitigation Strategies.
  5. World Geography, Indian Geography and Geography of Telangana State.
  6. History and Cultural Heritage of India.
  7. Society, Culture, Heritage, Arts and Literature of Telangana.
  8. Policies of Telangana State.
  9. Social Exclusion, Rights Issues and Inclusive Policies.
  10. Logical Reasoning; Analytical Ability and Data Interpretation.
  11. Basic English. ( 10th Class Standard)


I. Socio-Cultural History of Telangana and Formation of Telangana State

  1. Satavahanas, Ikshvakus, Vishnukundins, Mudigonda and Vemulawada Chalukyas and their contribution to culture; Social and Religious conditions; Buddhism and Jainism in Ancient Telangana; Growth of Language and Literature, Art and Architecture.
  2. The establishment of Kakatiya kingdom and their contribution to socio-cultural development. Growth of Language and Literature under the Kakatiyas; Popular protest against Kakatiyas: Sammakka – Sarakka Revolt; Art, Architecture and Fine Arts. Rachakonda and Deverakonda Velamas, Social and Religious Conditions; Growth of Language and Literature, Socio- Cultural contribution of Qutubshahis – Growth of Language, Literature, Art, Architecture, Festivals, Dance, and Music. Emergence of Composite Culture.
  3. Asaf Jahi Dynasty; Nizam-British Relations: Salarjung Reforms and their impact; Socio – Cultural- Religious Conditions under the Nizams: Educational Reforms, Establishment of Osmania University; Growth of Employment and the Rise of Middle Classes.
  4. Socio-cultural and Political Awakening in Telangana: Role of Arya SamajAndhra Mahasabha; Andhra Saraswatha Parishat, Literary and Library movements, Adi- Hindu movement, Andhra Mahila Sabha and the growth of Women’s movement; Tribal Revolts, Ramji Gond and Kumaram Bheem, -The
    Telangana Peasant Armed Struggle ; Causes and Consequences.
  5. Integration of Hyderabad State into Indian Union and formation of Andhra Pradesh. Gentlemen Agreement; Mulki Movement 1952-56; Violation of Safeguards – Regional imbalances – Assertion of Telangana identity; Agitation for Separate Telangana State 1969-70 – Growth of popular protest against discrimination and movements towards the formation of Telangana State 1971-2014.

II. Overview of the Indian Constitution and Politics:

  1. Evolution of the Indian Constitution – Nature and salient features – Preamble.
  2. Fundamental Rights – Directive Principles of the State Policy – Fundamental Duties.
  3. Distinctive Features of the Indian Federalism – Distribution of Legislative, Financial and
    Administrative Powers between the Union and States.
  4. Union and State Government – President – Prime Minister and Council of Ministers;
    Governor, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers – Powers and Functions.
  5. Indian Constitution; Amendment Procedures and Amendment Acts.
  6. Rural and Urban Governance with special reference to the 73rd and 74th Amendment
  7. Electoral Mechanism: Electoral Laws, Election Commission, Political Parties, Anti
    defection Law and Electoral Reforms.
  8. Judicial System in India – Judicial Review; Judicial Activism; Supreme Court and
    High Courts.
  9. a) Special Constitutional Provisions for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes,
    Backward Classes, Women, Minorities and Economically Weaker Sections (EWS).
    b) National Commissions for the Enforcement – National Commission for Scheduled
    Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Women, Minorities and Human Rights.
  10. National Integration issues and challenges: Insurgency; Internal Security; Inter-State

III. Social Structure, Issues and Public Policies:

  1. Indian Social Structure: Salient Features of Indian society: Family, Marriage, Kinship, Caste, Tribe, Ethnicity,
    Religion and Women.
  2. Social Issues: Inequality and Exclusion: Casteism, Communalism, Regionalism, Violence against
    Women, Child Labour, Human trafficking, Disability, Aged and Third / Trans-Gender
  3. Social Movements: Peasant Movement, Tribal movement, Backward Classes Movement, Dalit
    Movement, Environmental Movement, Women’s Movement, Regional Autonomy
    Movement, Human Rights / Civil Rights Movement.
  4. Social Policies and Welfare Programmes: Affirmative Policies for SCs, STs, OBC, Women, Minorities, Labour, Disabled and Children;
    Welfare Programmes: Employment, Poverty Alleviation Programmes; Rural and Urban,
    Women and Child Welfare, Tribal Welfare.
  5. Society in Telangana: Socio- Cultural Features and Issues in Telangana; Vetti, Jogini, Devadasi System, Child Labour, Girl Child, Flourosis, Migration, Farmer’s; Artisanal and Service Communities in Distress


I. Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges:

  1. Demography: Demographic Features of Indian Population – Size and Growth
    Rate of Population – Demographic Dividend – Sectoral Distribution of
    Population – Population Policies of India
  2. National Income: Concepts & Components of National Income –
    Measurement Methods – National Income Estimates in India and its Trends –
    Sectoral Contribution – Per Capita Income
  3. Primary and Secondary Sectors: Agriculture and Allied Sectors – Contribution
    to National Income – Cropping Pattern – Agricultural Production and
    Productivity – Green Revelation – Irrigation – Agricultural Finance and
    Marketing – Agricultural Pricing – Agricultural Subsidies and Food Security –
    Agricultural Labour – Growth and Performance of Allied Sectors
  4. Industry and Services Sectors: Growth and Structure of Industry in India –
    Contribution to National Income –Industrial Policies – Large Scale Industries –
    MSMEs – Industrial Finance – Contribution of Services Sector to National
    Income – Importance of Services Sector – Sub Sectors of Services – Economic
    Infrastructure – India’s Foreign Trade
  5. Planning, NITI Aayog and Public Finance: Objectives of India’s Five Year
    Plans – Targets, Achievements and Failures of Five Year Plans – NITI Aayog –
    Budget in India – Concepts of Budget Deficits – FRBM – Recent Union
    Budgets – Public Revenue, Public Expenditure and Public Debt – Finance

II. Economy and Development of Telangana:

  1. Structure and Growth of Telangana Economy: Telangana Economy in
    Undivided Andhra Pradesh (1956-2014) – State Finances ( Dhar Commission,
    Wanchu Committee, Lalit Committee, Bhargava Committee) – Land Reforms –
    Growth and Development of Telangana Economy Since 2014 – Sectoral
    Contribution to State Income – Per Capita Income
  2. Demography and HRD: Size and Growth Rate of Population – Demographic
    Features of Telangana Economy – Age Structure of Population – Demographic
  3. Agriculture and Allied Sectors: Importance of Agriculture – Trends in
    Growth Rate of Agriculture – Contribution of Agriculture and Allied Sectors to
    GSDP/GSVA – Land Use and Land Holdings Pattern – Cropping Pattern –
    Irrigation – Growth and Development of Allied Sectors – Agricultural Policies
    and Programmes
  4. Industry and Service Sectors: Structure and Growth of Industry –
    Contribution of Industry to GSDP/GSVA – MSME – Industrial Policies –
    Components, Structure and Growth of Services Sector – Its Contribution to
    GSDP/GSVA – Social and Economic Infrastructure
  5. State Finances, Budget and Welfare Policies: State Revenue, Expenditure
    and Debt – State Budgets – Welfare Policies of the State

III. Issues of Development and Change:

  1. Growth and Development: Concepts of Growth and Development –
    Characteristics of Development and Underdevelopment – Measurement of
    Economic Growth and Development – Human Development – Human
    Development Indices – Human Development Reports
  2. Social Development: Social Infrastructure – Health and Education – Social
    Sector – Social Inequalities – Caste – Gender – Religion – Social
    Transformation – Social Security
  3. Poverty and Unemployment: Concepts of Poverty – Measurement of Poverty
    – Income Inequalities – Concepts of Unemployment – Poverty, Unemployment
    and Welfare Programmes
  4. Regional Inequalities: Urbanization – Migration – Land Acquisition –
    Resettlement and Rehabilitation
  5. Environment and Sustainable Development: Concepts of Environment –
    Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development – Types of Pollution –
    Pollution Control – Effects of Environment – Environmental Policies of India.

One response to “TGPSC Group 3 Exam Pattern and Syllabus (Updated):”

  1. Srikanth DWA91 Avatar
    Srikanth DWA91

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