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Algebraic and Geometrical Ability-1 Questions and Answers in Telugu and English

TG ICET Questions in Telugu and English. In This page you will get questions and answers on various topics like Data Sufficiency, Analytical Ability, Reasoning, Series, Coding Decoding, English, Algebraical and Geometrical Ability, Statistical Ability etc

Question: 1

Equation of the line passing through P(5, -12) and making equal intercepts on axes is
P(5, -12) అనే బిందువు గుండా పోతూ అక్షాల మీద సమాన అంతర ఖండాలు చేయు సరళరేఖ సమీకరణం

  1. x-y-17=0

  2. x+y+17=0

  3. x+y+7=0

  4. x+y-17=0

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Answer: 3


Question: 2

If a and b are X and Y -intercepts of the line 3x + 4y – 12 = 0 respectively, then =
3.x + 4y – 12 = 0 సరళరేఖ యొక్క X, Y అంతర ఖండాలు వరుసగా a, b లు అయితే =

  1. 13

  2. 26

  3. 25

  4. 18

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Answer: 3


Question: 3

If the Y-intercept made by the line 5x + 3y-k=0 is -6 then k=

5x + 3y – k = 0 అనే సరళరేఖ Y -అక్షం పై చేయు అంతరఖండం – 6 అయిన k=

  1. -18

  2. -15

  3. -12

  4. -21

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Answer: 1


Question: 4

The equation of the straight line passing through the points O(0, 0) and A(2, 5) is
O(0, 0), A(2, 5) అనే బిందువుల గుండా పోవు సరళరేఖా సమీకరణం

  1. 2x=5y

  2. 2y=5x

  3. 3x=5y

  4. 3y=5x

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Answer: 2



Question: 5

The equation of straight line passing through origin making angle 60° with positive direction of X-axis is
X-అక్షం ధనాత్మక దిశతో 60° కోణం చేస్తూ మూల బిందువు గుండా పోయే సరళరేఖా సమీకరణం

  1. x-√3y=0

  2. √3x-y=0

  3. y=3x

  4. x=3y

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Answer: 2


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