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English-13 Previous Questions and Answers in Telugu for TG TET

These English previous questions and answers are very useful for TG TET examination. Aspirants go through this test get good subject knowledge. English Question Paper with Answers PDF in Telugu. TG TET Previous Questions and Answers in Telugu
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Question: 6

Recently the Governor———a committee to review the curriculum. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

  1. have constituting

  2. had constitutes

  3. have constituted

  4. has constituted

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Answer : 4

has constituted

Question: 7

Choose the correctly spelt word.

  1. safegaurd

  2. safeguard

  3. safegourd

  4. safeguord

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Answer : 2


Question: 8

The two countries are locking horns for the first time. The meaning of the expression of “locking horns”

  1. fighting

  2. enjoying together

  3. journeying together

  4. living peacefully together

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Answer : 1


Question: 9

The child was born——— Monday.  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

  1. of

  2. on

  3. with

  4. in

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Answer : 2


Question: 10

Who is———standing at the gate? Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

  1. a person

  2. an person

  3. the person

  4. person

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Answer : 3

the person

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